Test poziomujący z języka angielskiego

Jak Ci idzie nauka języka angielskiego? Sprawdź swój poziom, rozwiązując test składający się z 40 pytań. Do wyboru masz 3 odpowiedzi, z czego tylko 1 jest poprawna. Jeśli nie znasz odpowiedzi na jakieś pytanie, pomiń je.

  1. 1. Where _______ your grandparents live?

  2. 2. What _______ your favourite colour?

  3. 3. Have you _______ a car?

  4. 4. Do you like _______?

  5. 5. My uncle is _______ actor.

  6. 6. London is _______ than Bristol.

  7. 7. Tom is interested _______ football.

  8. 8. There is _______ milk in the fridge.

  9. 9. What’s the weather _______ today?

  10. 10. Can I get to this station _______ foot from here?

  11. 11. This bill must _______ tomorrow.

  12. 12. If I were you, I _______ accept his offer.

  13. 13. Those roses smell _______.

  14. 14. Our _______ are all buried in the local cemetery.

  15. 15. We will go for _______ walk if _______ sun comes out.

  16. 16. Your hair _______. It’s really long!

  17. 17. There was nobody left on the bus, _______ made me suspicious.

  18. 18. This is not my umbrella, it must be _______.

  19. 19. How do you _______ with your mother-in-law?

  20. 20. Ann is not used to _______ early.

  21. 21. Her mother is _______, and needs a wheelchair to get around.

  22. 22. Could you tell me how old _______?

  23. 23. In most countries, _______ punishment has been abolished.

  24. 24. _______ a late riser can cause problems.

  25. 25. Parents shouldn’t let their children _______ TV for hours.

  26. 26. It was Scott’s birthday yesterday! – You should _______ me.

  27. 27. It really _______ me when people don’t switch off their mobile phones in the cinema.

  28. 28. While Joan _______ a book, her mother came back home.

  29. 29. We were late to the theatre. The show _______ when we got there.

  30. 30. I’m exhausted! I _______ in the garden for the last three hours.

  31. 31. We regret _______ that the flight to Barcelona has been cancelled due to weather conditions.

  32. 32. _______ of my friends visits me very often.

  33. 33. I’d rather _______ there.

  34. 34. I wish you _______ complaining all the time!

  35. 35. But for your help, we _______ in trouble yesterday.

  36. 36. On no condition _______ open fire without warning.

  37. 37. No sooner had I arrived home _______ the phone rang.

  38. 38. My car breaks down a lot. I always _______ by the mechanics at the local garage.

  39. 39. Here _______ Jacob!

  40. 40. Not until I got home _______ my mistake.

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