Himanshu Kumar

Ostatnia aktywność:
ponad 3 miesiące temu

O mnie

I hold a [Ph.D./M.Sc.] in Classical Gravity and Theoretical Physics from Jamia Millia Islamia, a Central University of Government of India, where my research focused on Classical Gravity and Dark Matter Halos in Cosmology. My doctoral work not only honed my technical skills but also instilled in me a deep appreciation for the pursuit of knowledge and the importance of sharing it with students and colleagues alike.

During my academic journey, I have gained valuable experience in both teaching and mentorship roles. I have served as Adjunct/Ad hoc Assistant Professor, Visiting Assistant Professor

Senior Assistant Professor, Senior Lecturer and Teaching Assistant for graduate/undergraduate physics courses on Waves and Optics, Electricity and Magnetism, Mathematical Physics, Mechanics, Classical Dynamics, Quantum Mechanics & Applications Laboratory, Computational Physics, Advanced Mathematical Physics, Fluid Dynamics/Classical Dynamics and Statistical Mechanics, wherein I developed engaging and interactive lesson plans, effectively communicating complex scientific concepts to students with diverse learning styles. Moreover, I have mentored several graduate/undergraduate students in their research projects, fostering their curiosity and critical thinking abilities.

My teaching philosophy revolves around creating an inclusive and dynamic learning environment that encourages students to ask questions, think critically, and explore the wonders of physics. I believe in cultivating a strong student-teacher relationship to support and guide my students’ academic and personal growth.

In addition to my commitment to teaching excellence, I have an ongoing record of research accomplishments. My work has been published in reputable scientific journals, and I have actively participated in conferences, where I presented my findings and engaged in fruitful discussions with fellow researchers.

Udzielam korepetycji

Napisz do użytkownika

06.1993 - 06.1996
Vinoba Bhave University
06.2002 - 07.2004
Jamia Milia Islamia,New Delhi
Magister inżynier
MSc-Theoretical Physics
Kursy i szkolenia
Nie dodano
08.2006 - 12.2009
Skyline Institute of Engineering & Technology,Greater Noida
Teaching Engineering Physics
01.2009 - 01.2010
IIMT,Greater Noida,India
Teaching Engineering Physics
01.2013 - 01.2014
Lingaya University,Faridabad,India
Teaching Engineering physics
01.2014 - 01.2016
NSIT,New Delhi
Teaching Engineering Physics
01.2016 - 07.2023
University of Delhi
Teaching of Undergraduate and Postgraduate level Physics

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