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A qualified, experienced English language trainer, proofreader and translator. Mainly focused on adult learning either individually or in small groups. Most of my clients come to me with the aim of improving their speaking and communication skills in English, so that tends to be my main focus. Often people are stressed about speaking a foreign language, so my aim is to help people improve their confidence. I love to help my clients build and expand their language skill-set by using authentic materials during my lessons — YouTube, TED, BBC etc. I believe real-life materials are the best way to learn new vocabulary and experience new grammar structures.

I don’t particularly like using traditional coursebooks or grammar exercises. However, if the client wishes, I can provide such materials for self-study.

Although I started life teaching a range of ages (from 8 upwards) and focused mainly on Cambridge exam courses (FCE, CAE, CPE), in recent years I’ve moved almost entirely into the area of adult education and deliver language training mainly to people at their place of work. My students represent a wide range of levels, from beginner to proficiency.

In 2008, I began to develop an approach to language learning called Active Speak. This is basically a conversational method of learning for 1:1 students which systematically builds up and the revises grammar, vocabulary and idioms that are useful for a particular individual while providing the opportunity to revise and practise this language while speaking.

In recent years, the translation office has expanded tremendously and I now spend a good proportion of my time either translating or proofreading. My clients fall into two main categories: businesses requiring top quality English content for their website as well as legal documentation, and academic institutions and instructors who publish articles in English.

As a side project, I also do voice recording from time to time for educational materials or computer games.

I worked as the co-owner of Distinction Language Centre from June 1999 until December 2015, when I decided that it was time for me to move on and focus on what I love: English Language training for adults and proofreading/ translation services.

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Napisz do użytkownika

09.1989 - 06.1993
University of Cambridge
Nauczyciel dyplomowany
Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Kursy i szkolenia
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