Giovanni Byrne

Ostatnia aktywność:
ponad 3 miesiące temu
Poznań (Piątkowo)

O mnie


I am an American citizen born and raised in Texas and have dual citizenship with Colombia, my experience is both as a native English and Spanish Teacher.

I speak English with a clear American accent, my Spanish is also clear and very colloquial from South America. Lived in Texas, Miami, New York, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Poland and Belize assimilating different cultures, idiosyncrasies and language accents.


Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

I have 12 years experience teaching:

Native English Classes for both Intermediate and CAE

Native Spanish Classes Intermediate Level and advanced

Lessons: Relaxed and Conversational.

I learn your specific needs and also passions so we may focus our conversational topics on a subject you enjoy. At the end of our conversation class I will send you a PDF copy of our lesson to easily understand with pronunciation, terminology, sentence structure suggestions and mistakes & corrections.

We do a review of the previous lesson with the PDF summary to consistently learn and correct mistakes, having the summary lets me not only monitor your progress but at the same time leaves a record of all that is done during the lesson so you may go back and review.

Lessons focus on: Conversation, correction, pronunciation and overall vocabulary development.

Goal: Achieve spoken fluency, increase vocabulary and break any barriers to communicate with confidence.

When have you had a class that you felt relaxed talking in that language you want to learn and at the end of the lesson you not only advanced, feel more confident and motivated.

Achieve spoken fluency, increase vocabulary and break any barriers to communicate with confidence.

Thank you for your time and consideration reading my bio.

Kind Regards

Giovanni M. Byrne

My passions in life are trading financial markets (Futures, Commodities, and Equity) and medicine (absolutely all aspects including longevity, senescence, diseases, natural therapies, fasting, etc)

Udzielam korepetycji

Napisz do użytkownika

03.1989 - 07.1993
Texas Tech University
Kursy i szkolenia
Nie dodano
Nie dodano

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Wystawiając opinię oświadczasz, że jej treść jest zgodna z prawdą, a Ty ponosisz za nią pełną odpowiedzialność. W bazie serwisu będą przechowywane dane takie jak adres e-mail oraz adres IP, z którego wypełniono formularz opinii. Dane te umożliwiają identyfikację autora opinii i mogą zostać udostępnione na wniosek podmiotów uprawnionych do tego, w przypadku zgłoszenia przez użytkownika działań niezgodnych z polskim prawem, w szczególności dotyczących czynów nieuczciwej konkurencji.