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ponad 3 miesiące temu

O mnie

Hello there, My name is Marcin and I am an English tutor residing in beautiful Poznań. I am helping people improve their English for about 4 years now by giving private lessons. My aim and satisfaction is to know that, my students are reaching a level where English truly becomes their second language and they can speak it comfortably.

I am from New York City, which is also known as "The Big Apple" and don’t worry I am not planning to move back there anytime soon because my home is now in Poznań. I will be happy to hear about your story and I will tell you mine during our initial lesson.

My lessons are meant to give you a boost in what you already know. This means we will focus mainly on conversation, pronunciation, vocabulary and confidence building. I want to develop in you a natural flow as well as to reach a comfortable level of speaking this language. You don’t have to worry about how much or how little you know, I am patient and I will give my best to help you improve.

Where and what time can we meet to have lessons? I teach in different areas of Poznań. Most of my lessons take place in quiet coffee shops or if the weather is warm enough, we could have them in the park. For me, the most convenient option would be to meet during regular working hours but of course it all depends on the time and day of our busy schedules so we can talk about it.

How much are the lessons? it depends on a few situations, for example, if I have to spend a lot of time in traffic going from one student to another then I really do not have a choice but to charge you more for those lessons. To prevent that and to receive the best value, we will need to talk about our schedule and to find the best time, day, and location for our meet ups. The price is 60 - 80 PLN with a duration of time of around 45 - 60 Min.

My ad is a brief summary of information so if you are interested and would like to learn more then please contact me. I will be delighted to answer any of your questions and talk about your potential schedule of lessons. Have a great day in beautiful Poznań

Udzielam korepetycji

Napisz do użytkownika

08.2009 - 08.2011
city college of ny
Kursy i szkolenia
Green Studio
07.2015 - aktualnie
English services
Assistance with proofreading, translations, documentation, and English conversations for individuals and companies

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