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ponad 3 miesiące temu

O mnie

I am a classically trained tenor, piano and singing teacher. l gained my Master’s of Music degree at the prestigious Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London studying under Janice Chapman and my Bachelor’s of Music degree from the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester. My professional engagements included performances with many orchestras and ensembles around the world (including Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Grand Theatre in Warsaw Orchestra, RNCM Orchetra, etc.), with choral societies in the UK and in Poland. I also successfully took part in competitions around the world (UK, Poland, Czech Republic, Italy), I am an ABRSM Scholar and between 2017-2018 I was a member of the Opera Academy by the Grand Theatre in Warsaw, where I studied with established teachers such as Eytan Pessen (New York), Matthias Rexroth (Germany), etc. I also performed in many operas for the RNCM, Prague National Opera and recorded CDs with the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra as a member of their choir.

For over 4 years now I have been privately teaching singing to adults and children of various abilities and experience in music. I worked with students who were interested in many different genres, including Classical, Pop, Rock or Music Theatre, as well as music theory and musicianship. I have experience in preparing students for auditions for music colleges and different music institutions. I also offer piano tuition - beginners and intermediate level.

Udzielam korepetycji

Napisz do użytkownika

09.2014 - 06.2018
Royal Northern College of Music - Manchester
Spiew Klasyczny
06.2020 - 06.2020
Guildhall School of Music and Drama
Spiew Klasyczny
Kursy i szkolenia
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