Jeremiah Abimbola

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ponad 3 miesiące temu

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Opis ogłoszenia

  I believe that music is an essential part of the human experience. I also believe everyone is musical, has a need for musical expression, and that music develops humans in very unique ways, one of which is to unleash our creativity in re-creation. I have proven this fact with a couple of people I’ve prepared for MUSON EXAMS up to grade 6. Music happened to be my natural talent so I teach others with joy and the same passion that resides in me.I have tutored students who from the onset had no knowledge about music before, and groomed them to the point where they are confident of taking a music exam in MUSON I am very patient and passionate. The passion that drives me to impact into the younger ones has helped me become that tutor you are searching for.So I’m confident that I can help you or your wards have a mastery and of what music entails. I’m up-to-date with the trends and genres and have in-depth understanding of how to bring students up to speed with nifty tactics to help them. A trial can only convince you.I believe that music is an essential part of the human experience.I also believe everyone is musical, has a need for musical expression, and that music develops humans in very unique ways, one of which is to unleash our creativity in re-creation.I have proven this fact with a couple of people I’ve prepared for MUSON EXAMS up to grade 6. Music happened to be my natural talent so I teach others with joy and the same passion that resides in me.I have tutored students who from the onset had no knowledge about music before, and groomed them to the point where they are confident of taking a music exam in MUSON I am very patient and passionate.The passion that drives me to impact into the younger ones has helped me become that tutor you are searching for.So I ‘m confident that I can help you or your wards have a mastery and of what music entails.I’m up-to-date with the trends and genres and have in-depth understanding of how to bring students up to speed with nifty tactics to help them.A trial can only convince you.


Piątek12:00 - 17:00
Sobota09:00 - 12:00
Niedziela14:00 - 19:00

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