Oakstream Oakstream

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Hello everyone!
I can help you achieve your goal: improving your confidence in speaking English as well as German and I guarantee you will notice the difference after the first session. I’m a native English speaker and a TEFL-certified English teacher. I’m from sunny California and have studied law at the University of Nottingham in the UK. I have lived in numerous countries across the world including Italy, Germany, UK, Brazil, and have gained insight into many different industries: sales,law, tourism and education.

Are you bored of grammar and textbooks? Let’s have a conversation! You don’t want to miss this incredible opportunity!

I have extensive experience in teaching business, as well as general English. I have taught managers and young professionals of all ages in many countries i.e. Italy, Brazil and the UK.

I’ve also taught teenagers and young adults between 12 – 17 years of age. I’ve led summer and language camps with teenagers and young learners in both Europe as well as the US.

My students are: IT programmers, engineers, managers,doctors, lawyers, and other professional backgrounds. I help them all to become BETTER and MORE CONFIDENT in English. I use a wide variety of teaching material….from my custom made lessons, to a wide range of up-to-date and engaging material. I use film clips, documentaries, newspapers,online educational portals, newspapers and journals.

So whether you want to have that EDGE for your interview I can help you.

Do you need to understand more business material at work? I can help you gain the knowledge!

Or do you want to improve your speaking skills when you’re going on your next holiday? No problem, with my method and approach you WILL make progress and ACHIEVE your goals!

Recently I have been part of the ground-breaking immersion programme in Poland called “Oakstream” A unique programme where native speakers of English and Polish businessmen and professionals meet. I’ve had over 3 years of experience as a language course supervisor of groups of over 30+ students for intensive sessions.

I also specialise in online Skype lessons. This is a unique way of learning, for those of you who are flexible and on-the-go. Its convenient and I use a friendly and engaging online platform for unique and engaging lessons.

Learning a language is often challenging, and only through continuous practice can you make serious progress. Through our 1-on-1 conversations you will be able to get the edge, and become a truly great communicator. I will give you the confidence to master your English.

I’ve worked with students from international companies like: Pepsi Cola, Siemens, PKO Bank Polski,Tetra Pak, Thyssen Krupp, Onet, Piaggio and many more.

I’ve helped students with interview skills, negotiation scenarios, mock telephone calls, email writing, small talk. All the things you will need to gain the advantage in your career or personal life.

English is the global language no matter what industry you’re in or where you live. So let me give you the ADVANTAGE so you can take that next OPPORTUNITY for a better job and a better life!

You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.
All the best and hear from you soon,


--References available on request
Education, Qualifications, Experience:

TEFL Certificate
Degree in Law from the University of Nottingham
Over 8 + years of experience in teaching English and German
Worked in various indsutries Sales, Training, Education in Brazil, UK, Austria
Interests, Hobbies, & Other Info:
I’ve always loved to travel and I have been priviliged to see many places in the world. When I can I continue to explore this great planet of ours. I’m very fond of food and am often found trying new recipes or tasting new flavours in various restaurants.

Sailing and being active outdoors is also a passion so I’m lucky that Poland has such a great variety of places to see and experience.
I’m very social and enjoy chats about history, adventure and trivia. Though sometimes I just enjoy a good film at the cinema.


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Oakstream Oakstream

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