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Instrument perski TAR i SETAR - nauka gry
I teach TAR and SETAR which are Persian traditional instruments.

***I can help you to buy these instruments!***

TAR is a plucked stringed instrument (a long-necked lute) that is played in Iran (Persia).The Persian tar is carved from a block of mulberry wood and has a deep, curved body with two bulges shaped like a figure 8. The upper surface is shaped like two hearts of different sizes, joined at the points. The sound box consists of two parts. The small part is called Naghaareh and the large part is called Kaasseh (that means bowl (sound box)). The sound box is covered with lambskin. On the lower skin, a horn bridge supports six metal strings in three courses. The long fingerboard has twenty-two to twenty-eight movable gut frets. The strings are plucked with a brass plectrum coated on one side in wax. Its range is about two and a half octaves.

SETAR is a Persian musical instrument. It is a member of the lute family, which is played with index finger of the right hand. Two and a half centuries ago, a fourth string was added to setar. it has 25 - 27 moveable frets which are usually made of animal intestines or silk. It originated in Persia before the spread of Islam.

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