Natalia Tyshkova

Ostatnia aktywność:
ponad 3 miesiące temu
Warszawa (zoliborz)
Nauka śpiewu80 - 100 / 60 min

Natalia Tyshkova

Opis ogłoszenia

Vocal Teacher for more than 13 years . My students are participants in various national and international competitions, participants in TV and media projects, as well as students and graduates of music and creative universities. I don’t work at one system. In addition to vocal work, the psychological and health-improving system of work for each student is selected individually. I love working with difficult students. I will teach the most deaf and voiceless person to sing. I work on an individual approach to each student, I will find a way to motivate the most insecure and insecure student. Strict, demanding and disciplined in work, at the same time I will be the best friend and adviser.I speak Ukrainian and Russian language fluentlyI also speak EnglishI have modern psychological and pedagogical methodsI can find an approach to any student and choose educational material. I practice according to the Seth Riggs method.


Poniedziałek10:00 - 19:00
Wtorek10:00 - 19:00
Środa10:00 - 19:00
Czwartek10:00 - 19:00
Piątek10:00 - 19:00
Sobota10:00 - 10:00
Niedziela10:00 - 19:00

Zakres lekcji

Szkoła podstawowa
Szkoła średnia

Miejsce lekcji

U ucznia

Napisz do użytkownika

08.2008 - aktualnie
Musical art, vocals
Kursy i szkolenia
2017 master class of the British International Vocal School Estill Voice
2011 master class of world vocal teacher Seth Riggs
09.2006 - 09.2008
Poltava Regional House of Culture. Poltava
providing assistance, including advisory, to DC employees in the recruitment / formation of thematic groups to engage in various types of creative activities, participation in the organization of their work;
02.2011 - 02.2016
Children's Musical School. D.Kabalevsky,
Conducting individual vocal lessons for children. Elementary knowledge of music and solfeggio. Statement of singing breath. Learning to recognize a musical form from a musical text or by ear.
12.2011 - 08.2018
Variety Performance School HARMONIA
Teaching vocals. Work on the production of the voice. Vocal lessons in rock, pop and jah style. Work on your own psychosomatic program for working on voice. conduct group or individual lessons with students in order to improve their vocal level;
09.2018 - 09.2019
Vocal Studio ALT
Organizational work process. Advertising, search and promotion of the school. work with students, voice acting, work on an individual program for a student. Organization of concert competitions.
09.2019 - 12.2021
Professional School of Music Play Way
Voice setting. Working with adult learners. Preparation for competitions and performances, admission to higher music. Podkogovka to corporate parties and public speaking. Breath work.
12.2020 - aktualnie
School of variety performance Dream school
teacher of jazz pop-rock vocals. Preparing students for competitions and concerts. Shooting clips and participating in television projects. Conduct vocal classes using various techniques for teaching singing and voice training skills. vocal teacher

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