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Kraków (krakow)

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Lekcje języka japońskiego - Witamy początkujących!

Hello everyone,

Learning a new language can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience, and my goal is to create a friendly and fun environment for all my students.

Whether you have just started your Japanese language studies or have never learned the language before, I am here to guide you every step of the way.

Here are some key details about the lessons:Beginner-Friendly Approach:I understand that starting a new language can be intimidating, but rest assured, I will make the learning process enjoyable and easy to follow.

We will start with the basics and gradually build upon your skills.

Personalized Learning:

I believe in tailoring the lessons to meet the unique needs and interests of each student. Whether you want to focus on conversational skills, grammar, vocabulary, or any other aspect of the language, I will customize the lessons accordingly.

Flexible Schedule:

I offer both in-person lessons in Krakow as well as online lessons , providing you with the flexibility to choose the option that suits you best. If you prefer face-to-face lessons, we can arrange a convenient location in Krakow.

Alternatively, if online lessons are more convenient for you, we can connect through video platforms to ensure seamless learning.

Supportive Learning Environment:

Learning a language requires patience and encouragement.
I will provide a supportive and positive learning environment where you can feel comfortable making mistakes and asking questions. I am here to support you throughout your language learning journey.

If you are ready to embark on an exciting journey to learn Japanese, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
I am thrilled to be your guide in this language adventure. Feel free to contact me via email or phone.
Let’s learn Japanese together and have a great time doing it!


Best regards,



私は皆さんの日本語学習を手助けし、質の高い授業を提供したいと考えています。私は日 本語を母国語としており、現在、あらゆる種類の日本語の文書、手紙、記事を書く経験が 約 4 年あります。高校生のおかげで、私の知識が広がり、日本語教育の分野でのスキルが向上 しました。





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02.2017 - 02.2019
kyoto foreign language university
Kursy i szkolenia
Nie dodano
03.2019 - aktualnie
Udzielam korepetycji

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