Monika Gąsiorowska

Ostatnia aktywność:
ponad 2 miesiące temu
Toruń (Bydgoskie Przedmieście)

Opis ogłoszenia

Hi there! My name is Monika and I would like to invite children and adults’ to Polish language lessons,  from the basics and at any other level. :)

I am a teacher at a private language school. I am patient, I offer an individual approach to the student, effective learning in a relaxed and stress-free atmosphere. I have many interesting materials and a head full of ideas for interesting classes!

I am a graduate of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, majoring in applied linguistics French with Spanish. I am currently in the final year of my master’s degree in Romance philology. I have been passionate about linguistics and language teaching for years. I teach Polish to foreigners, as well as French and Spanish. I myself am constantly improving my skills in Italian and Norwegian.
I tailor to the individual needs and goals of my students, yet our entire project shares several characteristics. With my students:

  • We don’t cram! We learn methods by which we learn without much effort - I use many (including my own) teaching and learning methods.
  • We break the barrier of speaking, BUT we also learn in parallel all the competencies of the language- speaking, reading, writing, listening, and in this way we become fluent.
  • By learning the language, we learn the culture, we open ourselves to thousands of new possibilities!
  • We learn by experiencing- emotions are what make us remember! Multimedia aids, everyday situations, music, smells, colors-a mass of stimuli. 
  • We use vivid spoken language. Often the language we learn at school or college has little to do with the real, live language spoken in a country. 
  • We are systematic, I encourage students to interact with the language all the time - I recommend many series and movies in the languageI focus on conversationsI prepare for language exams

Classes are held at my home (Toruń, Bydgoskie Przedmieście) or online. Price of individual lessons ( 50min ):

  • children up to the end of elementary school: 70 PLN;
  • high school students and adults: 80 PLN;

I invite you to contact me by phone: 669283081
Monika ;)


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U nauczyciela

Napisz do użytkownika

10.2019 - 09.2022
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika
Lingwistyka stosowana język francuski i hiszpański
10.2022 - aktualnie
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika
Filologia Romańska
Kursy i szkolenia
Nie dodano
Nie dodano

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Wystawiając opinię oświadczasz, że jej treść jest zgodna z prawdą, a Ty ponosisz za nią pełną odpowiedzialność. W bazie serwisu będą przechowywane dane takie jak adres e-mail oraz adres IP, z którego wypełniono formularz opinii. Dane te umożliwiają identyfikację autora opinii i mogą zostać udostępnione na wniosek podmiotów uprawnionych do tego, w przypadku zgłoszenia przez użytkownika działań niezgodnych z polskim prawem, w szczególności dotyczących czynów nieuczciwej konkurencji.