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The Polish version is below./ The Polish version is presented below.

Hello everyone! I am Hellen Qin from China and I’m a Master’s student at Adam Mickiewicz University.I’m a native Chinese speaker of both Mandarin and Cantonese, so you can be sure that with my help, your Chinese will be improved :) Every hour costs 80 zł (materials are included, I prepare customized PPT material and additional help for every student before class).I’m available every day, the time of the lesson is to be discussed.

Teaching Experience: I’ve been living in Poland for 3 years, and during this time I gave private lessons to many Polish, Ukraine, and foreign students interested in learning Chinese.Before that, I used to live and work in China, where I also gained experience helping students and foreign teachers with English and computer science.

My teaching style: I prepare materials and tests for my students according to their Chinese language levels.Studying with me will be fun and practical, I can adapt to the individual needs of students.I can guide you from the basics, then help you to master Chinses language based on your study aim.

Chinese lessons with me: It is flexible.I can teach Chinese at your place, at my place, or online.Also, I’m available after classes and can help you when you need me.I can:
teach you daily Chinese;
help you prepare for exams like HSK, HSKK, TOFCL, etc;
teach business Chinese;
teach children and teenagers;
help you prepare to go to China;
help you with basic phrases and surviving in a foreign country;
help with your homework;
Or other Chinese courses according to your need and aim.

More information about me:
I like hiking traveling, photography, web design, and reading detective novels.During our classes, I will lead you to good methods and habits to learn a new language, to show you the real Chinese scenarios from Chinese series, movies, TV shows, etc.You can also reach me on Linkedin: Hellen Qin
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Hello everyone! My name is Hellen Qin from China and I am a graduate student at the University ofAdam Mickiewicz in Poznań.I am a native Chinese speaker of both Mandarin and Cantonese, so you can be sure that with my help your Chinese will be improved :) Each hour costs PLN 80 (materials included, I prepare personalized PPT material and additional help for each).student before class).I am available every day, with one hour of lessons to discuss.

Teaching Experience: I have been living in Poland for 3 years and during this time I have been tutoring many Polish, Ukrainian and foreign students interested in learning Chinese.Before that, I lived and worked in China, where I also gained experience helping students and foreign teachers in the field of English and IT.

My teaching style: I prepare materials and tests for my students according to their level of Chinese.Learning with me will be pleasant and practical, I can adapt to the individual needs of students.I can guide you from scratch and then help you master Chinese based on your learning purpose.

Chinese lessons with me: It is flexible.I can teach Chinese with you, with me or online.I am also available after class and can help you when you need me.I can:
 1. teach you Chinese every day;
 2. help you prepare for exams such as HSK, HSKK, TOFCL etc;
 3. teach business Chinese; teach children and teenagers;
 4. help you prepare for your trip to China;
 5. help in mastering the basic phrases and survival in a foreign country;
 6. help with homework;
 7. Or other Chinese courses as per your need and purpose.

More information about me:
I enjoy hiking, traveling, photography, web design, and reading crime novels.During our classes, I will introduce you to good methods and habits of learning a new language, I will show you real Chinese scripts from Chinese series, movies, TV shows, etc. You can also contact me on Linkedin:  Hellen Qin


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Sobota07:00 - 20:00
Niedziela07:00 - 20:00

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