Emmanuel Edwards

Ostatnia aktywność:
ponad 3 miesiące temu
Korepetytor prowadzi zajęcia online

Opis ogłoszenia

English lessons with a Tutor , I have several years of experience in teaching in private schools in my home country. I am a native English speaker. There is the possibility to travel to the customer around Torun, Inowroclaw, Mogilno Trzemeszno, Gniezno and surrounding environs. I also offer online lessons via skype and zoom.I invite children, teenagers as well as adults. I offer lessons at every level, help students, preparation for the Matura exam, high school program, preparation for the eighth grade exam, primary school program.I also offer translations, conversations , learning the correct pronunciation (phonetics), breaking the barrier in using English in speech, I will help beginners to start speaking English and those who are afraid to use this language in the presence of other people. 
I have a master’s degree in Business Administration and an experience in the customer service industry, using the English as a language of communication effectively.  I provide my own materials or work with your books, individual approach to each student, various classes with practicing every skill, a nice and cultural atmosphere. Lessons can take place at my home, at your place or via the computer.I cordially invite adults, adolescents, children, both beginners and advanced people to cooperate with us.PHONE: 884-932-502

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