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ponad 3 miesiące temu
Język angielski69 / 60 min


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Opis ogłoszenia

I am a native English speaker from Dublin, Ireland, and I invite you for highly personalised English lessons with me - online!

Last year I began teaching English online. Since then, I have thought a number of different type of classes to teenagers and students from all over the world! I enjoy the different challenges that teaching either teenagers or adults can bring, I find teaching both equally rewarding!

What can I help you with?

  • I can prepare you for IELTS , Cambridge or TOEFL exams.
  • I can help you with every aspect of your Business English including presentations, small talk, powerpoints, emails, vocabulary, negotiating skills.
  • I can aid you in your preparation for job interviews .
  • I can teach you grammar from level A2 to C2.
  • I can prepare you for your move to an English speaking country.

My teaching strategy is highly personalised . I’m aware that certain teaching methods and techniques are more helpful to some students than others. This allows me to specifically tailor each student’s learning plan, allowing them to develop and improve their language skills at a speed they enjoy. I like to find out early how best a student likes to learn. This allows me to include the right combination of visual, aural and oral exercises and activities in my classes. I also like to include real life materials such as Youtube videos, podcasts, newspaper articles and blogs. When teaching grammar, I like to find an online PDF textbook appropriate to the student’s level that we can work from together. Learning a new language should always be a joyful experience, so I always like to create a fun and relaxed environment during classes!

I like to put the student’s individual needs at the centre of the learning process . My own experience of majoring in Spanish in university allowed me to understand the most effective techniques to use when teaching a language. This, combined with my TEFL Certificate, has enabled me to understand how best to help any student of any standard meet their English learning goals. I teach students of any level , ranging from complete beginners to advanced learners preparing for specialised exams.

Outside of teaching I love sports, especially soccer. I previously worked as a full-time soccer coach for the last 5 years. I’m also interested in cooking and fitness.

If you’re interested in meeting me, please contact me to arrange the first lesson! :)


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Zakres lekcji

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U nauczyciela

Napisz do użytkownika

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Kursy i szkolenia
30 Hour Teaching Business English Certificate
30 Hour IELTS Preperation Certificate
30 Hour Teaching English Online Certificate
120 Hour TEFL Certificate
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